What we offer
We organise ourselves into different groups depending on the work that is needed at any given time.

Plaza San Juan, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Information and welcome point.

C/ Mayor, 14 from 10 to 12h.
Distribution point for clothes, backpacks or necessary items that people in transit may need. In the case of collections, they are usually activated at specific times for selective collection. We make appeals through social networks.

Renfe train station, 20:15.
First reception point at night to indicate the location of the Red Cross-run rest facility, where migrants in transit can rest, wash and sleep, provided they meet the requirements for entry.

Map placed in the RENFE Station of Irun with the information of where the resources are.
There are two other groups without physical location: Health Assistance and the Accompaniment group, which are activated at specific moments when accompaniment is needed for health reasons in the former case, or due to refusals of protection and asylum in the latter.